Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

356 DireEiions forgetting and keeping God bath not told us his fecrct intents concerning fuch. 4, Yet forne men have far greater caufe to fear it then others ; efpecially thole men, who un- der the molt fearching lively Sermons,do continue fe- cure and wilful] in known wickednefs; either hating godlinefs and godly perfons, and all that do Reprove them, or at leaft being ftupified.; that they feel no more then a Poft the force of Gods terreurs, or the fweetnefs of his promifes ; but make a jeft of fin- ing, and think the life of godlinefs a needlefs thing. Efpecially if they grow old in this cow*, c confefs fuch have great Caufe to fear left they are quite for - fakenof God For very few fuch are ever recovered. 5. And therefore it may well be Paid to all men, Today ifyou arti hear his voyce bardennot your heart:, &c. and, is the Acceptable time : this vs the di, of falvation ; both as this life is called, The day of fxlvation; and becaufe no man is certain to live ano- ther day that he may Repent ; nor yet to have Grace to Repent if he live. 6. But what's all this toyou that do Repent ? Can you have C.aufe to fear that your day of Grace is over, that have received Grace ? \A by, that is as foolifh a thing, as if a man fhould come to the Market,and buyCorn, and when he hath done go home lamenting that the Market was pat before he came?ter as a man fhould come and hear the 'ermen, and when he bath done, .lament that the Sermon was done before be came? If your day of Grace be paft tell me ( anddonot wrong God) Where had )ou the Grace ofRepen- tance ? How came you by that Grace of holy De- fires ? yk, ho made you Willing to have Chrift for your Lord and Saviour? So that you had rather have him,