356 DireEiions forgetting and keeping God bath not told us his fecrct intents concerning fuch. 4, Yet forne men have far greater caufe to fear it then others ; efpecially thole men, who un- der the molt fearching lively Sermons,do continue fe- cure and wilful] in known wickednefs; either hating godlinefs and godly perfons, and all that do Reprove them, or at leaft being ftupified.; that they feel no more then a Poft the force of Gods terreurs, or the fweetnefs of his promifes ; but make a jeft of fin- ing, and think the life of godlinefs a needlefs thing. Efpecially if they grow old in this cow*, c confefs fuch have great Caufe to fear left they are quite for - fakenof God For very few fuch are ever recovered. 5. And therefore it may well be Paid to all men, Today ifyou arti hear his voyce bardennot your heart:, &c. and, is the Acceptable time : this vs the di, of falvation ; both as this life is called, The day of fxlvation; and becaufe no man is certain to live ano- ther day that he may Repent ; nor yet to have Grace to Repent if he live. 6. But what's all this toyou that do Repent ? Can you have C.aufe to fear that your day of Grace is over, that have received Grace ? \A by, that is as foolifh a thing, as if a man fhould come to the Market,and buyCorn, and when he hath done go home lamenting that the Market was pat before he came?ter as a man fhould come and hear the 'ermen, and when he bath done, .lament that the Sermon was done before be came? If your day of Grace be paft tell me ( anddonot wrong God) Where had )ou the Grace ofRepen- tance ? How came you by that Grace of holy De- fires ? yk, ho made you Willing to have Chrift for your Lord and Saviour? So that you had rather have him,