Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual peace and comfort. 357 him, and Gods favour,and a holy heart and tfe,then all the glory of the world ? How came you todefire that you were fuch a one as God would have you to be ? and to defire that all yoar fins were dead, and might never live in you more ? and that you were able to Love God, and Delight in him, and pleafe him even in perfec`tion ? and that you are fo troubled that you cannot do it ? Are thefe figns that your day of Grace is over? Doth Gods Spirit breath out Groans after Chrift andGrace , within you? and yet is theday of Grace over ? Nay, what if you had no Grace ? Do you not hear God dai- ly offering you Chrift and Grace ? Doth he not entreat and befeech you tobe Reconciled unto him, ( z Cor. 5. To, 20. ) And would he not compel' you to come in ? ( Mat.22.) Doyou not feel Tome unquietnefs in your finf ll Condition ? and forne motions and ftrivings at your heart to get out of it ? Certainly ( though you fhould be one that bath yet no Grace to falvation) yet thefe continued°offers of Grace and ftrivings of the Spirit of Chrift with your heart , do Chew that God bath not quite forfaken you ; and that your Day of Grace and Vifitation is not,paff. DOUBT XV, Vt I have ßnned lince my Profefon, and tint even awing my IKnotledve and Confc=ence s i hive had Temptations tofin and I have conidered of the Evil and Danger, ana yet in the very fobereft delib-erationt , ¡ have Refolved to fin And hots c-.zn fad) a one have any true Grace, or be javed ? Cc? AN