Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

3 5S Direftions forgetting and keeping ANSWER. z . F you had not true Grace, God is HI offering it, and ready to work ir. z. Where do you find inScripture that none who have true Grace, do tin knowingly or Deliberately ; Perhaps you will fay inHeb. i 0.24. if we fin wilfully after the know- ledge of theTruth, there Remainethno more facrifice for tin, but a fearful looping for of 7udgement, andfire Which "hall devour the adver /cries. Anf. But you muf know that it is not every wilful' fin which is there mentioned ; but, as even now I told you, Vnbelitf is peculiarly called Sin in the NewTeftament : And the true meaning of the Text is , IfWe utterly re- noVince Chrifi by lnfide'ity,asnot being the true A ef-, ab, after We have known hi Truth, then,&c. Indeed none fin more aga,inii knowledge then the Godly when they do fin : For they know more , for the mofi part, then othersdo. And Paftion and Senfua- lity (the remnant of it whichyet remaineth) will be working ftrong,ly in your very Deliberations againfi fin, and either perverting the Judgement to doubt whether it be a fin , or whether there be any fuch danger in it ? or whether it be not a very little fin ? Orelfe blinding it that it cannot fee the Arguments a ;ainft the fin in their full vigour : Or at leali, pre- .poffefling the Heart nnel Delight, and fo hindring our Keafons again(i fin r from going down to the Hear and working on the Will, and fo from Com- manding theAc` -ions of the Body. ; his may befall a godly man. And moreover, God may withdraw his Grace, as he did from Peter and 'David in their fin and