Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and Comfort. j and then our Confiderarions will work but faintly, and fenfualiry and finful Pafíion will work effeau- ally. It is fcarce Polate, I think, that fuch a man as Davidcould be fo long about fo horrid a fin,and af- ter contrive the murther ofVriah, and all this with -. out deliberation, or any reafonings in himfelfto the contrary. 3. "The truth is, though this be no good caute for anv Repenting fnner to doubt of Salvation, yet it is a very grievous aggravation of (ìn, to commit it againtt Knowledge and Confcience, and upon confi- deracion. And therefore : advife all that Love their Peace or Salvation, to take heed of it For as they will find that no fin dothdeeplier Wound the Confci' ence, and plunge the tanner into fearful perplexities which oft times hang on him very long ; fo the oftner fuch fin is committed,the lets evidence will fuch a one have of the finctrity of their faith and obedience : And therefore in the name of God beware. And let the troubled foul make this the matter of his mode- rate Humiliation, and (pare not. Bewail it before ii7 od. Take fhame toyour fell, and freely confefs it , when you are called to it before men : Fa- vour it not, and deal not gently with it, ifyou would have Peace : but give Glory to God by taking the pull difhonotir to your felves. Tender- dealing is an iii fign and Bath fad efec`fs. But yet for every fin againft knowledge to doubt of the Truth of Crace, is not right, much lets todoubt of the pardon of that fin when we truly Repent of ir. Are you unre±gn- edly lorry for your fins againff Confci .nce, and Re. folve againf$ them for the future . through the help of ,-àods Grace ? if fo, then that fin is pardoned C c 4í9'N