Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

The Contents. The wìtnefs of the Spirit, andSpirit of Adopti- on, what they area 55257 Whether it be a Legal departing fromChrift , or any finful trotting in our own Righteoufnefs t gather J eace, Comfort or AfJ'urance fromJì ns within us ? 59 Twenty Arguments proving it lawful to gather Comfort or *ranee uranCe.from Gods Graces inu® DIRECTION XI. cMake ufe in Trial of none but infallibleßg Five certain (igns, together cornprizing the De - fcriptionof a true Chriftian. 7o Twenty obfervable explicatory pointsfor the right underfianding of thefe figns. 72 DIRECTION XII. I. Know, that A rurance of fi or right toSalvation, cannot gatheredfrom the left degree ofPaving Grace. 94 Proved f rom the many exceeding. Difficulties that mull be overcome by all that will (f ranee in ordinary waies : andfrom other Bof- fins. DIRECTION XIII. The firft timeof cur receiving or AEti Adopti- on, Z Grace, andfoof our luftifcation an cannot ordinarily be known. ioS C 4