3 6o DireE1ionsforgetting and keeping now, through theblood ofChriít believed in, whe- ther you had then Grace or not. DOUBT XVI 7Jt I have fuch C'orruptiont in my nature that I Si cannot overcome : Ihaveflac!, apafonate nature, andfasc°h a vanity of mind, and fuck Worldly defsres, that though 1 pray and flrive again¡1 them daily, yet do they,prevail:And it 14 not flriving without overcom- ing that will prove the truth of Grace its any. 73elides I do not grow in Grace its all Gods people do. ANSWER. D O you think fin is not overcome as long as it dwelieth in us, and daily troubleth us, and is working in us? Paul faiths The evil that I would not do, that 1 do ; and We cannot do the things that Would : And yet Paul was not overcome of thefe fins, nor had they Dominion over him. You tuff confider of thefe fins as in the habit or in the Aet. In the Habit as they are in the Paffions they will be $ill flrong : but as they are in the Will they are weak and overcome. Had you not rather you were void of thefe Paffions, then not? and that you might reftrain them in the act ? Are you not weary of them, and daily pray and ftrive againft them ? !f fo , it feems they have not your will. 2. And for theAftual Pafiion ( as I may call it) it felf you mutt diftinguifh between i . Thofe which the Will hath