Spiritual Peace and comfort. 3 61 bath full power of, and which it hath but partial power over. 2. And between the feveral Degrees of the Pailion, 3. And between the inward Pail-ion and the outward expreflions. Some Degree of anger and of luft will oft ftir in the heart, whether we Will or not. But I hopeyou reflrain it in the Degree;and much more frombreak- ing out into Pra&ifes of lut or C urfed fpeeches,.or Railings Báckbitings , Slanderings or Revenge : For there , your Will, if fanitified, bath power to command. Even the AEls of our Corruptions as well as the Habits will flick by us in this life; but if it be in grofs fins, or avoidable Infirmities carelefly or wil- fully continued in, I can tell you a better way to Alfurance and Comfort then your Complaints are. In (lead ofbeing afraid left you cannot have your fin and (shrift together, do but more heartily oppofe that fin, and deal roundly and confcionably againft it, till you have overcome i,, and then you may cafe your felf of your complaints and troubles. if you fay, O brat it is not Jo eafìly done : 1 cannot overcome it : f bave prayed and ftrove againfi it long. 1 an- fwer But are you heartily willing to be ridof it ? If you be, it will be no impofsible matter tobe rid of the outward exprefsions, and the high Degree of the Pafsion, though not of every degree. Try this courfe a while, and then judge : 1. Plainly confers your Guiltinefs. z. Never more excufe it or plead for it, to any that blameth you. 3. Defire thofe that live and deal with you, to tell you roundly of it as foon as they difcern it, and engage your felfto them to take it well, as a friendly action which your fell* requefted of them. 4. When you feel thePaf_ fion