36Z Vireclions forgetting and keeping lion begin to ftir, enter into feriotls Confideration of the linfulnefc, or go and tell fome friendofyour frail inclination, and prefently beg their help againft it. If it be Godly perlons that you are angry with, inf}ead of giving them ill words, prefently as loon as you feel the fire kindle, fay to them, I have very pa ovate nature, which ,already u kjndled, I prajjou reprehend me fir it, and help me again/i: i, andpray to Qodfor my deliverance. Alf() go to God your felf, and complain to him of it, and beg his help. Laf;ly, Be lure that you make not light of it : and fee that you avoid the oc.cafions as much as you can. f you are indeed willing to be rid of the fin, then do not call thefe diret±ions too hard : But thew your wil- lingnefs in ready pradifìng them. And thus you may fee that it is better make your corruptions the matter of your humiliation arid reformation, then of your forment. And for the other part of the Doubt that you grow not in Grace : I anfwer. T. The promifes of Growth are Conditional, or elfe Gbnffie what God will ufually do for his people : but it is certain that they be not AVolute to all Believers. For it is cer- tain that all true Chriftians do not away Grow ; nay that many do too oft decline, and lore their fire fervour of Love , and fall into. fin , and live more Carelefly : Yea , it is certain that a true Believer may Die in fahDecays, or in a far lower Nate then formerly he hath been in. If I thought this needed proof, I could eafily prove it : But he that openeth his eyes, may loon fee enough proofin Er, ,Tland, w. Many Chrif}inns do much millake thernfelves about the very nature of true Grace; and then no wonder.