Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 36; wonder if they think that they thrive when they do not,& that they thrive not when they do. ï hey think that more of the life and Truth of Grace cloth lie in Pafsionate Feelings of Sin, Grace, Duty, c. n fenuble Zeal, Grief, joy, &e. And do not know that the chief part lieth in the Underfl;andings E i- mation, and the Wiis firm Choyce and Refolution. And then they think they decline in Graoe, becaufe they cannot Weep, or joy fo fenlìbly as before. Let me affure you of this as truth, 1.Young people have ufually more vigour of Affedions then old ;. becaufe they have morevigour of body, and hot blood,and agile at9ive fpirits : when the freezing decayed bo- dies and fpirits ofold men mull needs make ari abate- ment of their fervour in all duties. z. The like may be laid of molt that are weak and fickly in compari- fon ofthe ftrong and healthful!. 3. All things affe& men moll deeplywhen they are new, and time v rar- eth off the vigour ofthat Affection. The firft hear- ing of fuch a fight, or fuch a vidory, or filth a great man, or friend dead, Both much affect us ; but Io it cloth not Rill. When you firit receive any benefit, it more delighteth you then longafter:So Married peo- ple, or anyother in the fir.ít change of their Condi- tion are more affes` ed with it then afterward. And indeed mans nature cannot holdup in a conftant ele- vation ofAffedions. Children are more taken with every thing that they fee and hear then old men, be- caufe all is new to them, and all feems old to the other. 4. I have told you before that tome natures are more fiery, Pafsionate and fervent then others are; and in filch a little Grace will cause .a great deal of Earneltnefs; Zeal and Pafsion. But kt me tell