I! 3 64 Directionsforgetting and keeping tell you, that you maygrow in thefe, and not grow in the body ofyour Graces. Doubtlefs Satan himfeif may do fo much to kindle your zeal , if he do but fee it void of found Knowledge, ( as he did in amer and7ahn when they would have called for Fire from Heaven , but knew not what fpirit theywere of.) For the doleful! Cafe of Chrilts Churches in this age bath pttt quite beyond difpute, that none do the Devils work more effâually, nor oppofe the King- dome of Chrifl more defperately , then they that have the hotteft Zeal with the weakeft Judgements: And as Fire is molt excellent and necefiary in the Chimney but in the thatch it is worfe then the vileíf dung fo is Zeal moft excellent when guided by found Judgement ; but more deftruc`tive then prophane fenfuality when it is let loofe and mifguid- the other fide, you may decaymuch in feeling and fervour of Affc6tions, andyet Grow in Grace, if you do but grow in the Ltnderftanding and the Will. And indeed this is the Common Growth which Chriftians have in their Age : Examine. there- fore whether you have this or no. Do younot un- derftand the things of the Spirit better then you for- merly did ? Do younot value God, Chrift, Glory and Grace at higher rates then formerly ? Are you not more fully Refolved to ítick to Chri't to the death then formerly you have been ? T do not think but it would be a harder work for Satan to drawyou fromChritt to the flefh then heretofore. When the tree bath done growing in vifible greatnef5, it grow - eth in rootednefs. The fruit grows fir in buk and quantity, and then in mellow fweethefs. Are not you