Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual) Peace and comfort. 3 65 you lefs Cenforious, and more Peaceable thenhere- tofore ? I tell you that is a more noble growth then a great deal of auftere and bitter, youthfull, Cenfo- rious, dividing Zeal of many will prove. Mark molt aged experienced Chriftians, that walk uprightly,and you will find that theyquite outfirip the younger, z. In experience, knowledge, prudence and found- rids of Judgement. 2. In well-fetled Refolutions for Chrift, his Truth and Caufe. 3. In a Love of Peace , efpecially in the Church, and a hatred of diffentions, perverfe contendings and divifions. if you can thew this growth, fay not that you do not grow. 3. But fuppofe,,you do not grow ? should you therefore deny the fincerity ofyour Grace ? I would not perfwade any foul that they grow, when theydo not. But if you do not, be humbled for it, anden- deavour it for the future. Make it your defire and daily bufnefs, and fpare not. Lie not Rill complain- ing, but rowfe up your foul, and feewhat's amifs, and fet upon neglected duties,and remove thofeCor- ruptions that hinder your Growth. Convenewith Growing Chrillians, andunder quickening means; Endeavour the Good of other mens fouls as well as your own : and then you'1 find that growth, which will filence this Doubt, and domuch more for you then that. DOUBT. XVII. 14m troubled with filchB1afphEmous thoughts and Temptations to Vrbelief, even againfl God and Cbrifl,