Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Sprawl Peace and Comfort. 367 my and Infidelity may remain with the trueR Paving Faith.The belt nay fay., Lorca I believe,helpthou mine unbelief. But I will tell you my Judgement, When your unbelief is fuck as to be a fign of a 3racelefs foul in the irateof damnation : ',f your Doubtings of the Truthof 'cripture and the Life to come,be foÀreat that you will not let go the pleafures and profits offin, and part with all, if God callyou to it, in Hope ofthat glorypromifed, and to ("Cape the judgement threatened, becaufeyou lookupon the things of the life to come but u uncertain things ; then isyour Belief noPaving Be- lief but your unbelief is prevalent. Rut iffor allyear faggerings you feefo much probability of theTruth of Scripture and the Life to come, that you are refolv- ed to venture ( and part with, ifcalled to it ) all world- ly Hopes and Happinefs for theHope of that promifed glory, and to make it the chiefefl bufinefs of your life to attain it,and da denyyourPelf the pleafures offinfor that end ; this it a truePaving Faith, as id evident by its yillory; notwithflanding all the Infidelity, Atheifm and Rlafphemy that is mixt with it. But again, let me advife you to take heed of this hainous fin, and bewail and deteft the very leaft de- ,gree of it. It is dangerous when the Devill ftrikes at the very root, and heart, & foundationofall your Religion. f here is more fînfulnefs and danger in this then in many other fins. And therefore let it never be motioned toyour foul without abhorrence. Two wales the Devil bath to move it. The one is by his immediate inward fuggeftions; thefe are bad enough. The other is by his Accurfed Infitruments and this is a far more dangerousway : whether it be by books, or by the words ofmen : And yet if it be by