3 68 DareEttoms forgetting and keeping by notorious wicked men orfools, the Temptation is the lets : but when it is by men of cunningwit, and fmooth tongues, and hypocritical lives ( for far be that wickednefs from me, as to call them Godly , or wife, or honeft) then it is the greateft fnare that the Devil bath to lay. O juft and Dreadful God ! did I think one da.y that thofe that I was then praying with, and rejoycing with , and that went up with me to the houle of G od in familiarity, would this daybe blafphemers of thy facred Name ? and deny the Lord that bought them ? and deride thy holy word as a fable ? and give up themfelves to the prefent pleafures of fin, becaufe they believe not thy promi- fed Glory ! ORighteous and Merciful God ! that haft preferved the humble from this Condemnation ! and haft permittedonely the Proud and Senfual Pro- feffors to fall into it ! and haft given them over to Hellifh Converfations according to the nature of their Hellifh opinions ! that they might be rather a terrour toothers then a fnare ! I call their Doctrine and Practice Hellifh, from its Original, becaufe it comes from the Father of Lies : but not that there is any fuch opinion or praéice in Hell. He that tempts others to deny the Godhead , the Chriftian faith, the Scripture, the Life to come, cloth no whit doubt of any one of them himfelf, but believes and Trembles. O fearful blindnefs of the profeffors of Religion .that will hear,if not receive tbefe Blafphe- mies from the mouth of an Apoftate l rofef or, which they would abhor if it came immediately from the Devi! himfer. Withwhat fad complaints and trem- bling do po,)r f niters cry out (& not without Caufe) t, I bowedwick jsÿch Rlatffhemottt temptations, thi;