Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 6 that I amafraid left god !hotel(' (maidenly deftròy riae9 that ever fuch thoughts Jhould come into my heart: But if an Inftrument of the Devil come and plead againft the,Scriprure or the Life to Come, or Chvit himfelf, they will hear him with lefs deteltation. The Devil knows that familiarity will caufe us to take that from a man, which we would abhor from the Devil himfelf immediately. I intend not to give you now a particular prefervative againft each of thefe Temptations : Only let me tell you, that this is the dire&way to Infidelity, Apoftacy, and the fin againft the Holy Ghoft : and if by any Seducers the Devil do overcome you herein, you are loft for, ever,and there will be no morefacrificeforyourfin, hug afearfall expeEation orjtedgement, andthat fireWhich !hall devour the a.lverfaries of 0hrif}à DOUBT XVIII: IH.<ve fo great fears of Death , and tèn vill.'ng. ?ref, to be with God, that Iam afraid I have nó Grace : for ifI had Pauls fpirit, I fhould be able to fat With him,l defire to depart and tobe with Chritfi : whereat now no nertr wouldbe tome more tersìbelcoane. ANSWER. Here is a loathnefs to Dye that comes from a Delire todo God more fervice; and another that comes from an Apprehenlion of unreadinefs; when we would fain have more A urance of Salva- D c# tiotit