Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 37 c it was an evil to it. Tell me but this , If Death did not Rand in your way to Heaven,but that you could travel to Heaven as eafily as to London, wouldnot you rather go thither, andbe with Chrift, then flay in fin and vanity here on earth, fo be it you were certain tobe with Chrifl ? Ifyou can fay Tea to this, then it is apparent that your loathnefs to dye is either from theuncertainty of your fa,lvation, or from the natural averfnefs to a diffolution, or both ; and not from an unwillingnefs to be with Chrift, or a prefer- ing the vanities of this world before the Bleffednefs of that to come. Laïtly, it may be God may lay that of liftion on you, or ufe fome other neceffary means with you, yet before you dye, that may make you willinger then now you are. DOUBT XIX. God layetlx upon me fuch heavy AfiiElions, that I cannot believehe Loves me : He writeth bit- ter things againft me, and taketh me for his enemy ; I asap affiEled in my health, in my name, in my children, and neareftfriends, and inmyRate : Ilive in continual poverty, or pinching diftrefi of one kind or other : yea my very foul is filled with his terrors, and night and day is his bandheavy upon me. ANSWER. 1 Have Paid enough to this before : Nor doJ think it needful! to fay any more when the Holy Ghoft Dd 2, bath'