Spiritual Peace and Comforts 373 petted as to the Event : Doubtlefs Tribulation is Gods Common road to Heaven : Every ignorant perfon is fowell wareof this, that they delude them - felves in their fufferings, faying , That God hath given them their puniflunent in this life, and there- fore they hope he will not puniíh them in another. If any foul be fo filly as to fear and doubt, for want ofAíflic`fion : if noneelfe will do the Cure, let them but follow my Counfel, and I dare warrant them for this, and I will advife them tonothing but what is honeff,yea and neceffary,and what I have tried ef- ec`}ually upon my felf: and I can allure you, it cured me, and I can give it a Probaturn eft. And6th, See that you be faithfull in your Duty to all (inners within your re.ch, be they great or (mall, Gentle- men or Beggars, do your duty in Reproving them meeklyand lovingly; yet plainly and ferioufly, telle ing themof the danger of Gods everlaling wrath ; and when you find them obffinate, tell the Church- Officers ofthem,that theymay do their duty and if yet they are unreformed, they may beexcluded from the Churches Communion, and all Chritlian famili- arity. Try this courfe awhile, and if you meetwith no Aflic` ions, and get no more fiffs about your ears then your own, nor more tongues against you then formerly , tell me I am miffaken. Men bafely bawk and íhun almotf.all the difpleafng ungratefult work of Chriftianity of purpofe , left they íhould have fufferings in the flefh, and then they doubt of their firicerity far want of fufferings. My fecond Advice is, Do but flay a while in Patience ( but prepare your Patience for a (harper encounter ) and do not tye God to your time. Pe bath not told you l d 5 wheat