it 374 ireElions foretting and keeping when your Affli&ions Mall come : If he deal eafier with you then others, and give you a longer time to prepare for them, be not you offended at that, and do not quarrel with your mercies. it is about feven- teenyears fince I was troubled with this doubt,think ing I was no fon, becaufe I was not afflifed ; and think I have had few days without pain for this fix- teenyears fince together, nor but few hours, if any one, for this fix or feven years : And thus my fcru- pie is removed. And if yet any be troubled with this Doubt, if the Churches and Common trouble be any trouble to them, shall I be bold to tell themmy thoughts ? ( only underhand, that I pretend not to Prophefie, but to Conjet`ture at Eff,:ds by the pdfitionof their Moral Caufes. ) 1 think that the Riehteotu Icing of Saints id even now, for our over-admiring rafh zeal, and highprofefflon, making for England fo heavy an ffliCtionand (harp a /courge to be in. fueledbyfeduc- ed, proud, Pelfconceited `7'rofef fors , as neither Wenor our Fathers didever yet bear : Except it fbouldprove themercifull intent of our Father, only to faffer them to ripenfor their oWn def/ru¿tion, to be aHanding Mo- nument for the iffertual Warning of allafter-ages of the church, whether pride andheadyZeal may bring Pro- feffors of helinefs ë c,-4nd When they arefull ripe, to do by them as at Munfrer and in New- England, that they may g a no further, 6ut theirfolly may be knoWn to all : madmen, I have told you of my thou ,ghts of this long ago in myBookof Rapt/16. ALL