Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and Comfort . 375 ALL thefe Doubts I have hereanfwered,that you may fee how neceffary it is that in all your you be Pure to dìftingui{b between of Doubting , and Matter of Humiliation. Alas, what foul is fo holy on the Earth, but mutt daily fay, Forgive tí6 our trehr.afefs ? and cry out withPaul, O wretched man that 1 am, who 'hall deliver me from thi4 body of de.ith ? But at the fame time we may thank God through our Lord J(loulddo nothing but fin fhould make us Doubt, doubt. I know you may eatily uitdh a fad this of your fins ; how you are troubled and that , and many a diaemper, and weak and wanting in every Grace and Duty, and have com- mitted many fins : But doth it follow that therefore you have no true Grace ? Learn therefore to be humbled for every fin , but not to doubt of your fincerity and falvation for every fin. D d 4 DIRE-