Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

376 DireElions forgetting and keeping DIRECTION XXX. 30. Whatfövver NewDoubtijas do ar f in yourfoal, fee that you carefully difcern whether they are fuch a,s rnufl be refolved from the Confederation ofGeneral Grace, or of,(7ecial Grace ;tend ejihecially belure cf this, that whenyou want or lofe your Certainty of Sincerity and falvation you have pre featly recotirfe to the 'Probad lityof it, and loft not the f comforts of that ; Or ifyou (Mould loft the fight of a ro&ability ofSpeci 'il Grace, yetfee that you barve recourfe at the utmoli to Ge4 neral Grace, and never let go the Corn- forts of that at the ivorfl. THis Rule is ofunfpeakable Nec(licy and ufe for your Peace and Comfort. Here are three fève ral Degrees of the Grounds of Comfort. it is ex- ceeding weaknefs for a man that is beaten fromone of thefe holds, therefore to let go the other two : and becaufe he cannot have the higheft Degree, therefore to conclude that he bath none at all. i befeech you in ail your Doubrings and Corn- plainings, fill Remember the two Rules here laid Own.