Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 377 down. t. ,All doubtsarife not from the fame Caufe, and therefore mutt not have the fame Cure. Let the fìrft thing which you do upon everydoubt,be this:To confider Whether it comefrom the unbelieving or loth e 4pprehen f ons of the General Grounds of Comfort, or from the Want ofevidence offptcial Grace ? For that which is a fit Remedy for one ofthefe, will do little for the Cure of the other. z.Ifyour doubting be only Whet heryou beJincere in Believing,. Loving, Hoping, Repenting and Obeying ? then it will not anfwer this Doubt, though you difcern never fo much of Gods Merciful! Nature, or Chrifts GraciousOffice, or the Univerfal fufficiency of his Death and fatisfattion, or the freenefs and extent of the promife of Pardon. For I profcfs contiderately, that I do not know in all the Body of Popery concerning Merits Juífi- hcation, Humane Satisfa&ions, Affurance, or any other point about Grace for which we un- church them, that they err half fo dangeroufly as SaltmarJh and fuch Antinomians do in this one point, when they fay, That Chrift bath Repented e Believedfor ;meaning it of that Faith andRepen- tance which he bath made the Conditions of our falvation: & that We rnu ¡.1 no more quefilon our oWn faith, tioen we mull queflion Chri/l the Objeil of it. It will be no laving Plea at the day of judgement to fay, Though IRepentednot, &Believednot,yet Chrift diedfor me, or God is merciful, or Cbrif Repentedanca Believedfor me,or God made me afreepromife &Gift offalvation,if (would repent e believe. What Com- fort would Inch an anfiver give them ? & therefore doubtlefs it will not ferve now-to quiet any know- . g Chriflian againft thofe Doubts that arife from the