378 DireE1iotisfor getting and keeping the want of particular evidence of fpecial Grace, though in their own place the General Grounds of Comfort are of Abfolute Necefsity'thereto. 2. On the other fide , If your Doubts arife from any Defect in your Apprehenfions of Gene- ral Grace, it is not your looking after Marks in your felf that is the way to Refolve them. I told you in the beginning, that the general Grounds of Comfort he in four particulars ( that fquare Foundation which will bear up all the Faith of the Saints.) Firft Gods Merciful! and unconceivably Good and Gracious Nature, and his Love to man- kind. Secondly, The Gracious Nature of the Mediatour God and Man, with his molt Gracious undertaken O:-fice of Saving and Reconciling. Thirdly, The fufficiency of Chrifts Death and fa- tisfaction for all the world, to lave them if theywill Accept him and his Grace : put it in terms beyond difpuce,becaufe I would not build up Believers Com- forts on points which godly Divines do contradict (as little as may be. )Yet I am pall all Doubt my felf, that Chrift did actually make fatisfaction to Gods juifIce for All and that no man perifheth for want of an Expiatory facrifice, but for want of faith to be- lieve and apply it, or for want of Repentance, and yielding to Recovering Grace. The fourth is,The U- niverfal Grant of pardon,and Right to falvation,on Condition of Faith and Repentance. If your Doubt arife from the Ignorance or overlookingof any of thefe,to thofe mutt you have recourfe for your Cure. Where Note, That all thofe Doubts which come from the greatnefs ofyour fin,as fuch, that you think will not therefore be forgiven , or that come from the