Spiritual Peace and Comfort 739 the fenfe ofUnworth,inefs,(ìn a Legal fenfe ) or want of Merit in your feif, and all your doubts whether God be willing to accept and forgive you, though you fliould Repent and Believe or whether any facrifice was offered by Chriif for your fins ; ï fay, all thefe come -fromyour i gnorance or Unbelief of force or all of the four ( enteral Grounds heremen- tioned : and from themmuff be cured,; Note alío in a fpecíal manner, That there is a great difference between ttaafe four General rounds,:and your particular Evidences in point of Certainty : For thefe four Corner-Hones are fait founded be- yond all poflìbility of Removal, fo that they are al- ways ofas undoubted Certainty as that the Heaven is over your head ; and they are immutable, ffilf the fame. Thefe you are commanded ftri&ly to Believe with a Divine Faith, as being the clearly revealed Truths of God ; and if you fhould not Believe them, yet they remain firm and true, andyour un- belief fhould not make voyd the Univerfal promife and Grace of God. Ent your own Evidences of fpe- cial Grace, are not fo Certain, fo clear, or fo Immu- table ; nor are you bound to Believe them ; but to fearch after them that you may know them : You are not bound by any Word of God aridly to be- lieve that you do Believe, or Resent, but to try and difcern it. This then is the firft part of this Deredi- on, That you always difcover whether your troubles arife from low unbelieving or ignorant thoughts of Gods Mercifulnefs Chrifts Gracious Nature and Office General Satisfaction or the univerfal Pro- mile : or whether they arife fromwant of evidence of fincerity in your fell? and accordingly in your thoughts