Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

3 8o 'Drref1tonsforgetting andkeeping thoughts apply the Remedy. The fecond part of the Direct ion is, that you hold faff Probabilities of Specie' Grace when you lofe your Certainty, and that you hold faft your Ge- neral Grounds when you lore both the former. Never forget this in any of your Doubts. You fay , your faith and obedience have fuch breachesand fad defefts in them. that you cannot be Certain that they are fincere. Suppofe it be fo : Do you fee no great Likelihood or hopes yet that they are fincere? If you do (as I think many Chrif}ians eafìly may , that yet receive not a proportionable comfort ) remember that this is no fmal! Mercy, but matter ofgreat confolation. But fuppofe the worl}, that you fie no Grace in your felt : yet you cannot be lure you have none : For it may be there and you not fee it. Yea fuppofe the worft that you were fare that you had no true Grace at all yet remember that you have f;till abundant raufe of Comfort in Gods General Grace. Do you think you mutt needs de fpair, or give up all Hole and Comfort , or con- cludeyour felf irrecoverably loft , becaufe you are Gracelefs ? why, be it known to you there is that ground of Confolation in General Grace that may make the hearts of the very wicked to leap for Joy. Do I need to prove that to you ? You know that the Golpe! is called Glad tidings of/salvation, and the Preachersof it are to tell chafe to whom they preach it, Behold doe bringyogi tidings of great boy, and ,elad tidings to all People. And youknow before the Gof- pe! comes to men they are miferable. If then it be glad tidings, and tidings of great joy to all the un- converted where it comes, why fhould it not be fo to.