Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 3 8t toyou? and where is your great joy? Ifyou be grace- lefs,is it nothing toknow that God is exceedingmer- ciful!, flow to anger, ready toforgive, pardoning aniqui- ty,tranfgref on andfn, loving mankind? Is it nothing to know that the Lord hath brought Infinite Mercy and Goodnefs down into humane flefh ? and bath taken on him the moff bleffed office of Reconciling, and is become the Lamb ofGod? is it nothing toyou, that all your fins have' a fufficient Sacrifice paid for them, fo that you are certain not toperifh for want of a Ranfom ? Is it nothing to you , that God bath made fuch an univerfal grant ofPardon and Salvati- on to all that. will Believe ? and that you are not on the terms of themeer Law of Works, to be judged for not obeying ii, perfeetion?Suppofe you are never focertainly gracelefs, is it nor a groundof unfpeak. able Comfort,, that youmay becertain that nothing Can condemn you but a fiat refufal or unwillingnefr to have Chrif? andhifalvation ? This is a certain truth, which may comfort a man as yet unfanttfïfied, that fin meerly as fin fhall not Condemn him, nor any thing in theWorld, but the final obífinate refu- fal of the Remedy, which thereby leaveth all other finunpardoned. Now I would ask you this Qucftion inyour great- eif fears that you areout ofChrift: Are you V. filling to bave Chrift to pardon, fan&ifie, guide, and fave you,or not? Ifyou are; then you area. trueBeliever, and did not know it, l f you are not; if youwill but wait on Gods Word in Hearing and Reading, and confider frequentlyand feriouflyoftheneceffity and excellency of Chrift and Glory, and the evil offire, and the vanityof the world, &will but begearneihy of