Spiritual) Peace and comfort. 383 added to the General. But a Conditional certainty you may have fromGeneral Grace only, and thus you may foundly and infallibly argue,Godbath made a Grant to ever] ¡nful man, of Pardcn andfdlvation through Chriflt Sacrtfce, if they will best Repent and Beleeve in Chrifl : but I am a f nfall man, therefore Godbath made this Grant of `Pardon and Salvation to me. DIRE CTION XXXI- 31. IfGod do biefsyou with an ablefaithful, prudent, judiciousPallor, take him for your Guide under Or ill in the way to, falrvation;and open to himyour Cafe,and deßre his adrvice in all your extraordina% ry prefling neceflities, where you harne found the adrvice ofother godly friends to be infix f ficient ; And this not once or twice only, but as often a fuchpref?ing neceflities [hall return- Or ifyour own rlaftor be more defectirve for fuch a vork,make 4e offome other Minifter of Chr,who is more meet- liere I have theft feveral things to open to you. z. That it is your Duty to feels this Dirccti- rn from the Cuides ofthe Church, 2, When and in what