Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

3 84 V ireElionsforgetting and keeping what cafes you fhould do this. 3. To what end, and how far. q. What Miniffers they be that you fhould choofe thereto. 5. In what manner you mutt open your Cafe. that you may receive fatisfaction.' I. The fiat bath two parts. i. That you mutt open your Cafe. 2. And that to your Pallor. I. The Devil bath great advantage while you keep his C.ourifei Two are better then one ; for if one of them fall he hath another tohelp him. It is dange- rous Refilling fuch an enemy alone. An unitingof forces oft procureth Victory. God giveth others knowledge, prudence, and other giftsfor our good: that foevery member of the body may have need of another, and each be ufefull to the other. An In dependencyof Chriftian upon Chrillian, is moll un- chriftian ; much more of people on their Guides. It ceafeth to be a Member, which is fepatated from the body : and to make no ufe of the body or fel- lowmernbers,is next to feparation from them. Some- time balbfulnefs is the cause, fometimes felt-confi- dence ( a far worfe caufe ; ) but whatever is the caufe of Chriftians fmothering their Doubts, the effecfts are oft fad. The difeafe is oft gone fo far, that the Cure is very difficult, before fore bafhfull, or proud, or tender Patients will open their difeafe. The very opening of a mans grief to a faithful! friend, doth oft cafe the heart of it fell. 2. And that this fhould be done to your Pallor, I will thew you further anon. 2. But you muff underhand well then this is your Duty. I. Nor in every final infirmity, which ac- companies ChriRians in their daily moil watchful! Converfation : for yet in every lefier Doubt,which may