Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 3 85 may be otherwaies ref olved. It is a folly and a wrong to Phyfitians to run to them for every cut fin- ger or prick with a pin,Every neighbour can help you in this. 2. Nor except it be a weighty cafe indeed go not firft to a Minifter. But fir{} fiudy the cafe your felt, and feels Gods DireLlion : Ifthat will not ferv, open your cafe to your neareff bofom friend that is godly and judicious. And in thefe two cafes alWai go to your Pallor : I. In cafe privater means can do you no good: then God cals you to ffek further. Ifa cut finger fo feller that ordinary means will not cure it, you mutt go to the Phyfician. 2.. If the cafe be weighty and dangerous : For then none but the more prudent advice is to be tru{ced. If yoube.flruck with a dangerous difeafe , I would not have you delay fo long,nor wrong your felf fo. much as to flay whik you tamper with every womans medicine, but prefenta ly to the Phyfìcian.So ifyou either fall into any grie- vous fin, or any terrible pangs of Confcience, or any great {freights and difficulties about matters of Do- urine or Praáife, go prefently to your Paftor for ad- vice. The Devil, and Pride, and Bathfulnef3 will do their utmoll to hinder you ; but fee that they pre- vail not, 3. Next confider to what End you mull do this, Not i .Either toexpel that a Minitfer can ofhimfelf create Peace in you : or that all your (Doubts fhould vanifh as foon as ever you have opened your mind. Onely the great Peacemaker, the Prince of Peace, can create Peace in you : Afcribe not to any the Of- fice ofthe Holy Ghoft,to beyour effeaual Comfor- ter.Toexpet`t, more fromman then belongs toman,is the way to receive nothing fromhim, but to caufe E e God