3 86 9ireElionsforgetting and keeping God toblaft to you the bell e..ndeavours,217,1or muff you refolve to take all meerly from the word of your Pallor as if he were infallible Nor abfclutely to Judge of' your felt as he judged). For he may be too rigorous,or more cömmonly too charitable in his opinion ofyou : Theremay be much ofyour difpofi- ti. n and converfation unknown to him, which may hinder his right Judging. But T. You mull life your Pallor as the ordained Inftrument and Meflenger of the Lord Jefus and his Spirit, appointed to fpeak a word in feafon to the weary , and to (hew to man his Righteoufnefs, and to ftrengthen theweak hands and feeble knees, yea and more, to bind and loofe on Earth, as Chrill loth bind and loofe in Heaven. As (:hrill and his Spirit do only five in the principal pl:=ce,and yet Mirìiflers fave fouls in fubordination to them as his Inftruments, 4[7.26. r 7,t 8. T Trnn.4.T 5, i6. yam. 5.20. So Chi-41 and the Spirit are as Prin cipal Caufes the only Comforters : but his Miniflers are Comforters under him. 2. And that which you mull expel from them is thefe two things. i. You znui expea thofe fuller difcoveries of Gods Will, then you are able to make your fell, by which you may have affurance of your duty to God, and of the fenfe of Scripture which expreffeth how God will deal with you : That fo a clearer difcovery of Gods mind may Refoiv. your Doubts. 2. In the mean time till you can come to a full Refolution, you may and mull fomewhat flay your felfon the ve- ry ac'gernent of your Pallor : Not as infallible, but as a difcovery ofthe Probability ofyour good or bad elate; and fo ofyour duty alfo.Though youwill not rgnouiiceyour ownunderflanding, and believe any man