Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 3 87' man when you know he is deceived, or would de- ceive you, yet you will fo far fufpe&your own rea- fon, and value anothers, as to have a fpecial regard to every mans Judgement in his own Profeflïon. if the Phyfician tell you that your difeafe is not dange- rous, or the Lawyer that your Caufe is good, is will more Corfort you then ifanother man should fay as much. It may muds itay your heart till you can reach to clear Evidences and . =durance, to have a Paftor that is well acquainted with you , and is faithful' and Judicious CO tell you that he verily thinks that you xre in a fife Condition. 3. But the chief ufe ofhis advice is,not to much to tell you what he thinks of you, as to give you Dire&ions how you may Judge of your felt, and come out ofyour trou- ble : Be ides the benefit of his Prayers to God for you. .4. )'ext let me tell you what men you muff cboofe to open your mind to : And they mutt be, i . Men of Judgement and Knowledge,and not the ignorant, be they never fo bona.: Elk they may deceive you,not knowing what theydo : either for want of under- ¡landing the Scripture, and the nature of Grace and Sin; or for want of skill todeal with both weak Conti fciences, and deep deceitful) hearts. 2. They mull be truly fearing God, and of experience in this great work. For a troubled foul is feldom well refolved and comforted meerly out of a hook ; but from the Book &Experience both together. Carnal or formal menwill but make a Jell at the Doubtsof a troubled Chriflian ; or at 'call will give you fuch formal Re- medies as will prove no Cure : Eithdr theywill per- fwadeyou, as the Antinomians do, that you fhouid E e z truft