388 Direaions for gettin° and keepin' truft God with your foul, and never Qieflion your Faith Or thailrou do ill to trouble -you felfabout sfuch things:Or they will dired you only to the om- forts of6 eneral Grace,- and tell you only that God is Merciful! , and Chrift died fn. finners : which are thepeceffary Foundations ofour Peace ; but will not ant particular Doubts of our own fittcerity,and -ofour Intereft in Chrift: Or elfe they will make you believe that Holinefs of heart and He ( which is the thing you look, after ) is it that trouhleth you, and breeds all your fcruples,Or elfe with the Papiitg,they will fend you to your Merits for Comfort;or to tome Vindictive Penance in Falfings. Pilgrimages, or the like ; or to tome Saint departed, or Angel, or to the Pardons or Indulgencies of the Pope : or to a cer- tainformal, carnal Devotion,to make God amends. They mua be men ofdownright Faithfulnefsithat will deal plainly and freely, though not cruelly : and not like thofe tender Surgeons that will leave the cure undone for fear of hurting : Meddlenot with men-nleafers and daubers, that will prefently (peak Comfort to you as confidently as if they had known you twenty years, when perhaps they know little of your Heart or Cafe. Deal not with fuch as Refolve tohumour you 4. They muff be men offidelity, and Well tried to be filch, that you may truff themwith thole fecrets which you are called to Reveal. 5.1. hey ¡mil be men ofgreat lialdnels and wifdom,that they may neither rzfhly pals their Judg-t.ment,norfet you Upon unfound,unwarrantable or dangerous Courfes. 6. it is fUfpicious ifthey be men that are fo impudent as to drawout'your fecrets and fcrue thernfelves deeper into your' -privateft thoughts and waies then is