Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 3 89 is meet : Yet a compaßionate Minifter, when he fee eth that poor Chrit {fans do endanger themfelves by keeping fecret their troubles or elfe char they ha- zard chemfelves by hiding the greatcii of their fins, likeAcan, Sans!, or Anansas and ,Skp: r,s, and fo play the Hypocrites; in thefe Cafes he may and mutt urge them to deal openly. 7. Above all be lure that thole that you leek advice of be found in the Faith, and free from the two defperaee plagues of notorious falle dotrine,& feparating dividing inclinations,that do but hunt about to make Difciples to themfelves. There are two ofthe former fort,and three of the lay ter,that I would charge you to take heed of. and yet all is but four. ) i, Among thofe that err from the Faith ( next to Paprs, ?eras and Infidels, whether. Ranters,Seekers or Socinians, which I think few'fo- ber, godly men are fo much in danger of becaufe of their extream vilenefs) I would efpecially have you have avoid the Antinomians, being the greateft pretenders to the right comforting aff3ifted Confcì- ences in the world but upon my certain knowledge I dare fay they are notorious fubverters of the very nature ofthe Gofpel, & that free Grace which they fo much talk of,& thegrrat di{honourers ofthe Lord Jefus, whom they feem fo highly toextoll. They are thofe Mountebanks and Quackfalvers that delude the world by vain ofientation, and Kill more then they will Cure. 2. Next to them, take heed ofthe Papifts, whowill go to Rome, to Saints, to nge4, to Merits, to the molt carnal delufory means for Comfort, when they thould go to Scripture and to Heaven for it. And then take heed that you fall not into to Èe handy