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390 DireEtions forgetting and keeping hands of fepa.rating dividers of Chrifis Church. The molt notorious and dangerous of them are of thefe three forts : z. The Ialt mentioned,the Papií}s : They are the molt notorious Schifrnaticks and Separtii s that ever Gods Church did know on Earth For my part, I think their Schifm is more dangerous and wicked then the reft oftheir falle Doctrine. The un- merciful', proud felf- feeking wretches would like the Donatifl:s make us believe that God bath no true Church on Earth but they : and that all the Chrifti. ans in Ethiopia Afia, Germany, Htin?ary,' France, England, Scotland,lreland, Bel ia, and the real of the World that acknowledge not their Pope of Rome to be Head ofall the Churches in the World, are none ofChrifts Churches,nor ever were. Thus do they fe- parate from all the Churcheson Earth, and confine all Religion& Salvation to themfelves,who fo noto- rioufly depart from Chrifts way ofSalvation. Indeed the extreme diligence that they ufe in vifiting the lick,, and foliciting all men to their Church and way, is plainly to get themfelves followers ; and they are every where more induftrious to enlarge the Popes Kingdom, thenChrif}s. So far are they from Rudy- ing the Unity of the Catholick Church,Which they fo much talk of, that they will admit none tobe of . that Church, nor to be faved, but their own party, as if indeed the Popehad the Keys ofHeaven. Indeed they are the most Impudent Sedaries and Schifmar ticks on Earth. 2. The next to them are the Anabap- titts, whole Do&ine is not in it felf fo dangerous as their Schifkn and gathering Difciples fo zealoufly to thernfelves: And fo ftrange a curie of Cod bath followed them hitherto, as may deter any lober Chriftian