Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 391 Chriftian from rafh adventuring on their way. Even now when they are higher in the world then ever they were on earth , yet do the judicious fee Gods heavy judgement upon them, in their Congregations and Converfations. ; . Lastly, Meddle not with thofe commoly called Separatifts ; for they wil make a prey of you for theincreafe of their party. I do not mean that you íhould feparate from nothing thefe two do with as they do from us, and have them, or acknowledge themChrit}fans. But feet: not their advice,andmake them not ofyour counfel. Youwill do as one that goes to a Phyfician that hash thePlague, to be cured of a cut finger, if you go for your comfort to any of thefe Seducers. But ifyou have a Paftor that is found in the mainDoctrines of Religion, and is ftudious of the Unity and Peace of the Church, fuch a manyou may ufe. though in ma- ny things miftaken ; for he will not leek to make a Prey of ybu by drawing you to his party; Let him be Lutheran, Calvinift, Arminian, Epifcopal, .índepen- dant, or Presbyterian, fo he be found in the main, and free from Divifion. Thus I have (hewed you the Qualifications of chefe, men that you must Peek advice of. z. Let me next add, this : Let them be rather Padors then private men, if it may be : And rather your own Pastors then others, ifthey are fit. For the firft con- fider, 1 . I t is their Office to be Guides of Chrifts Di- fciples under him, and to be fpiritual Phyficians for the curing of fouls. And experience tellech us ( and fadly of late) what a curie followeth chore that ftep beyond the bounds of their Calling by invading this Office, and that God bleffeth means to them that E e4 keep