Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

392 DireFtions forgetting and kéeping keep within his order, i Theff.5.12,13. Fled. 13.7, 17.Not but that private men may help you in this, as a private neighbour may giVe you a Medicine to cure your difs:afe ; but you will not fò foon truft them in any weighty cafe as you will the Phyfician. 2. Be des Minitters have made it the fludy of their lives, and . therefore are liker ro underf}and it then others. As for thofe that think long fludy no more conducible to the knowledge of Scriptures, then if men fiudied not at all, they may as well renounce Reafon , amd Difpute for preheminency of beafts above men, as renounce fludy,which is but the ufe of Reafon, But it appears how confiderately thefe men fpeak themfelves, and whence it comes, and howmuch credit a lober Chriflian Mould give them ! Let them Read Pal. r .2,3. F:eb.5. I 1, 12,13, 14. I T`P4.4.13,14,15 16.And2.Tm.2.1 S.And let them return to their wits. Paul commandsTimothy, though he was from his youth acquainted with the Scrip- tures, 1'editate 14pon eliele ,thing;: Give thyjrelfwholly to them,t194 thy proftikg mayappear to all: Howmuch need have we to do fo now ? 3. Alfa Minifters are ufually molt experienced in this work :and wìfdom re- quires you no more to truft your foul then you would do your bodywith an unexperienced man. 2. And if it may be (he being fit) let it be rather your own Pallor then another : i . Becaufe it belong. eth to his peculiar place and charge to direr` the fouls of 'his own Congregation. 2. Becaufe he is likelier to know you . and to fit his advice to your ether, as having better opportunity then others to be aquainted with your converfation. 5. Next confider, in what manner you muff open your