Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 93 your Grief , if you wouldhave Cure. z. Do it as truly as you can.Make the matter neither better nor worfe then it is. Specially take heedof dealing like 4nania4 ; pretending to open all (as he did to Give all)when youdobut open fome common infirmities, and hideall the mofc difgracefull diftempers of your heart, and fins of your life. The Vomit of Confef- fion muff work to the bottom, and fetch up that hidden fin, which is it tbQ+t continueth your Calami- ty. Read Mr. 7. Hookerin his Soula Preparcation,con- cerning this Confefiion ; who fhews you the danger of not going to the bottom. 2. You muff not go to a Minifler to be cured tneerly by good words as Wizzards doby charms ; and fo think that all is well when he bath fpoken comfortably to you: But youmuff go_for Dircáions for your own Pra&ice, that fo the cure may be done by leafure when you come home. Trulymoff even of the godly that I have known,do go to a Minifter for comfort, as filly people go to a Phyfician for Phy- fck. If the Phyfician could ftroak themwhole, or give them a penny worthof fotne pleafant fluff, that would cure all in an hour , then they would praife him. But alas, the curewill not be done. t . With- out coff. 2. Nor without time and patience. 3. Nor without takingdown unpleafing medicines -: and fo they let all alone. Soyou come to a Minifter for ad- vice andcorrfort;and you look that his words should comfort you before he leaves you, or at leaft, forrie íhort finall direction to take home with you : But he tels you, ifyouwill becured you muff more Refolve againfi that difquietirg Corruption and Paffion ; you muff more meekly fubmit to Reproof: you mufá