39 4 Virec ionsforgetting andkeeping mil walk more watchfully and confcionably with God and men; and then you mutt not give ear to the Tempter, with many the like ; he gives you, as I have done here, a bill of thirty feveral Directions, and tells you, you muff pralife all thefe : O this feems a tedious courfe ; You are never the nearer comfort for hearing chafe : it mini be by long anddi- ligent pradifing them. Is it not a foolifh Patient that will come home from the Phyfician , and fay, have heard all that hePaid : but I annever the bet- ter ? So you fry I have heard all that the Minifer Paid . 4ni 18.h.:ave never the more comfort. But have 'you Done all that he bid you ? and Takenall the Medicines that he gave yon ? Mas, the cure is moll to be done by your fell ( under Chrift ) when you come home : The Miniíter is but the Phytician to di- rec`k you what courfe to take for the cure. And then, as filly People run fromone Phyfician to another, hearing what all can fay, and defirous to knowwhat every man thinks of them, but throughly follow the advice of none but perhaps take one medicine from one man, and one from another, and let molt evenof chofe lie by them in the box, and fo perifh more certainly then if they never medled with any at all : Co domoít troubled fouls, hear what one man faith, an. what another faith , and fel- dom throughly follow the advice of any : but when one mans words do not cure them they fay This is not the man that God bath appoint- ed to cure me : And fo another , and that is not the min : When they thould rather fay , This t not the Iv then Th,'i t not the man. This la- 7y complaining is not it that will do the work; but