Spiritual mss,' r and Comfort. 3 9 5 ku ratthfull pra&iing theDirections given you. But 'i know Come will fay, That it is near toTopifh ,rsricular Conféf on which I here perfwade Chrift i- ans to and it is to bring C'hriftians under theTyranny of the `7'ritfil again, andmake them acquainted With all mar tfecreti,and Natters of their Confciences. Änfa,. I. To the loft, 1 fay, to the railing De- vil of this aee, loo more but, 7 he Lord Rebuke thee. if any hsinifter have wicked ends, let the Godof l,edven convert him, or root him out of his Church, and call him among the weeds and briers, But is it not the knownvoyce of fenfuality and Hell, to tali reproaches upon the Way and Ordinances of God ? who knoweth not that it is the very Office of the Miniftcy, tobe Teachers andGuides to men in matters of falvation ? and Overfeers of them ? and that they watch for their,ouls, as thofe that mug give an account ? and the people therefore bound toobey them ? bleb. 13.7,17. Should not the shepherd know his (beep , and their ftrayings and difeafes ? How elfe (hall he cure them ? fhould not the Phyf- cianhear the Patient Opel all his difeafe, yea Rudy to difcover to theutrnoft every thingheknows ; and all little enough to the curt ? A difeafe unknown is unlike to be cured : and a dfeafe well known is half cured. Mr. Tho. Hooker Path truly, It is with many people as with fome over - modest Patients,who have- inga difeafe in forre fecret dace, they will not for shame reveal it to thePhyfitian . till it be pall cure, and then they mull lofe their ives by their modefty : So do many by their fecret and more difgracefull fns. Not that every man it bound to open all his fns to his Paftor : but thoft that cannot well be other-