Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

396 Direa ons f òY as ;,, otherwife cored, he mull : either if the fenfeoct,a guilt cannot be removed and true Affurance of pardon obtained : or elle, if power again_ ff the fin be not otherwife obtained, but that it ff ill prevaileth : In both thee cafes we mull go to thofe that God hath made our Directors &Guides : ; am confident many a thoufand fouls do long i}rive againff Anger, Luft,Fleí -plea fing,Worldlinefsandtrouble of Con. fcience to little vurpofe who if theywouldbut have taken Gods way' ..and fought out for help.and opened all their Cafe to their Minifter, theymight have been delivered in a good meafure long ago. 2. And for Popifh confefhon,l detefl it: 'Alewould not perfwade men that there is a neceflityof confefling every fin to a Minifter before it can be pardoned. Nor do we do it in a perplexed formality onlyat one time ofthe yearcnor in order to Popifhpardons,or Satisfactions: But we would have men go for Phyfick to their fouls,as they do for their bodies; when they feel they have need; And let me advife all ChriftianCongre- gations to prattife this excellent duty more. See that you knock oftner at your Paflors door., and ask his advice in all your prefiin; necefliries:Do not let him fit quiet in his finely for Ion : Make him know byex- perience that the tenth arc of a Minifters labour is not in the Pulpit. If your fins are ftrong, and you have wounded Corifcieice deep, go for his advife for a fife cure:many a mars fore fetters todamnation for want ofthis : And poi ignorant and fcandalous fin ners have far more need to do this then troubled Confcieraces.' am conident,it the people ofriy Con- gregation did but do heir duty for the good of their own fouls in private,teking advice of their Minifters, and