Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spirituall.Peace and Comfort. 39 and opening their cafes to them, they would find work for ten Niinilters at Ieai : And yet thofe two that they have, have more work then they are able to do already.Efpecially Minitters in frnall (ountrey Congregations, Might do abundance of Good this way And their people are much to blame that they corne not ofrner to them for adviiè This wee the way to make Chriftians indeed. The Devil knows this,and therefore fo envies it,that he never did- more againif a defign in the world.: he hath got-the main.. tenance alienated that fliould have maintained them, that fo theymay have but one Minifter in ,a Congre- gation, and then among the greater Congregations this work is impoflible for want of InftrurnentS , yea he is about gettingdown the very Churches and let- led Miniftry if God-will fliffer him. He fettech his I nitruments to rail at Priefts and Difcipline, and to call Chas yoke Tyranny ; becaufe while the Gar- den is hedged in, he is fain with envy to look over the hedge. What if a man ( like thofe ofour times ) íhouid come to a Town that have an Epidemical Plurifie or Feaver and fay, Do not runlike fools to befe Phyfièians ; they do but cheat you, and rob your Fur/es, andleekthemfelves, and feekto be L.ordsofyour lives. Its poffible force do fo : But ifby thefe per fvvafions the filly people fliould lofe their lives, how well bad their new preacher befriended them? -filch friends will thofe prove at IA to your fouls, that diffwade you from obeying the Guidanceand Difcir pline ofyour Over-feers, & dare call the Ordinances of the Lord of GloryTyrannical, and reproach thole that Chrift bath. let over them. Engloa will not have Chrift by his Officers Rule over them; nor