398 VireEioizsforgettilig and keepinág nor the feveral Congregations will not obey him. But he will make them know before many years are part, that they refuted their ovn mercy ; and knew not the things that belong to their. Peace; and that he will be Matter. at let in fpight ofMalice,& the prou- deft of his foes. If they get by this bargain ofRefut- ing Chrifts government, and Detpifing his Minitters, and making the Peace, U iicy and Profperity of his Church , and the fouls of mea , a Prey to their Proud mifguided ?Indies and P(fiions , then let them boaft of the barglan, when they have tried it: Only E would intreat one thing of them , Not to Judge too confidently till they have teen the end. And for all you tender Confcienc'd Ch,rittians, whom by the Niinitry the Lord bath begotten or confirmed to himfelf as ever you will (he Iv your felves thankful! for fo great a mercy. as ever you will hold that you have got, or grow to more perfeetion; and attain that bleffed Life to which Chritt bath given you his Minitters to condua you fee that you itickclofe to a judicious,goily,faithfuil Miniflry,and make ufe of them while you have than. Have you ftrong tufts? or deep wounds in confcience, or a hea- vyburthenofdoubtings or díttrefsfeek their advice, Godwill have his own Ordinance and Officers have the chief inftrumental hand in your cure. The fame means oft times in another hand (hall not do it. Yet E would have yo t make ufe of all able private Chriftians help alto. I will tell you the reafon why our Mrniers have not urged this fo much uponyou, nor fo plainly ac- quainted their Congregations with the nce(hty of opening your cafe to your Mini(ter, and feeking his advice. i, Some