Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 399 1. Some in oppofitiori to Popery have gone too far on the other extream ; perhaps finning as deep- ly in neglect, as the Papifis do in formal.excefs. it is a good fign that an opinion is true, when it is near to errour. For truth is the very- next ftep to error. The fma tiired of Truth runs between the clofe ad joyning extreams oferrou-. 2. Some Minitfers knowing the exceeding great- nefs ofthe but then, are loth to put themfelves upon it. This one Work of giving advice to all that ought to corne and open their cafe to us, if our people did" but what they ought to do for their own fafety would it fell, in great congregations, be more then preaching every day in theweek. What then is all the reff ofthe Work ? And how can one man,yea or five, do this to five thoufand fouls ? And thenwhen it lieth undone , the malicious Reproachers rail at the MiniLters , and accule the people of un- fitnefs to be Church-members ; which howfoe- ver there may be Tome caule of, yet not fo much as they fuggeft ; and that unfitnefs would belt be cured by the diligence of more Labourers, which they think to cure by removing the few that do remain. 3. A1fo fame Miniers feeing that they havemore work then they can do already, think themfelves uncapable of more, and therefore that its vain to put their people on it,to Peek more. 4. SomeMini fiers are over- modeft,and think it to be unfit to delre people to open their fecrets to them; in confelling their fins and corrupt inclinati- ons, and opening their wants : And indeed any inge- nuous man wil be backward topry into the fecrets of others.