400 DireElton ; for getting and keeping others. But when God hach made it our Office un-. der Chriit to be/Phyfitians ro the fouls ofow People, it is but bloody crueicy to connive at their Pride and Carnal Bafhfulnefs , or Hypocritical Covering of their fins, and to let them dye of their difeafe rather then we will urge them to dilclofe it. 5. Some Minders are loath to tell People of their duty in this, left it ihould confirm the world in their matacious conceit , that we (Inlaid be Mailers of Mens Confciences , and would Lord it over them. This is as much folly and cruelty, as if the Mater and Pilot of the Ship thould let the Mariners go- vern the Ship by the Major Vote, and run all on (helves, and drown themfelves and him, and all for fear of being thought Lordly and Tyrannical in raking the Government of the Shipupon himfelf, and telling-the Mariners that it is their duty to obey him. 6. Aloft. godly Miniiters do tell People in Gene- ral of the necefíicy of Nei a Dependance on their Teachers, as Learners in the School of Chrift should have on them that are Ufhers under him the chief Matter; and they _do gladly give advice to thole that do leek to them : But they do not fo partial- ly and plainly acquaint People with their duty, in opening to them the particular fores of their fouls. It is alto the policy of the Devil to mak! people Believe that their Minifters are too ftout,and will not ftoop to a cornpaffonate hearing of their cafe:efpe- ciaily if Minifters carry themfelves ftrangely at too great a distance from their People. I would earneft- ly intreat all Min tiers therefore tobe as familiar,and and as much with their People as they can. Papifts anti