Spiritual Peace and comfort. 401 and other Seducers will infinuate themfelves into their familiarity if we be ítrange : If you teach them not in their Houfes, thefe will Creep into their Houles, and lead them Captive. l perfwade others of in Brethren to that which my felf am difabled from performing being by conftant weak:iefs ( be- fides unavoidable bufinefs) `confined to my Cham.. ber. But thofe that can perform it, will find this a moft neceft'ary and profitable work. And let not poor people believe the Devil, who tels them that Miniffers are fo proud,only to difcourage them from feeking their advice. Go try them once before you believe it. Laftly , Remember this that it is not enough that you once opened your cafe to your Paffor ; but do it as.ofren as Necetíïity urgeth you to call for his advice : though not onevery light occafion. Live in fuck a Dependance on the advice and guidance of your Pallor ( under Chrift) for your foul, as you do on the adviceof the Phyfician for your body. ReadMal.2.7.And let Miniftets read 6,8,9. DIRL-