Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

4 02. Vireflions for getting and keeping DIRECTION XXXII. 32' As ever you would live in Peace and Comfort,and wel :pleafìng un- to God,be fure that you underhand and deeply confider wherein the height of a Chrihian life, and the greateffpart ofour Duty doth con= fiff;To wit,In á loving Delight in God, and a Thankfull and Chearfull Obedis ence to his Will; find thenmake thisyour 0iillant aim, and be pill airing -after it, and let all other a f feEions and endea° (yours lie /ub,ferrvient unto this Hisone Rulewell pra&ifed, would do wonders on the fouls of poor Chriftians , in difpelling all their fears and troublcs,and helping not only toa fetled Peace, but to live in the moll comfortable fate that canbe expeted upon earth. Write therefore thefe two or three words deep in your underftand- ings and Memory; that the life which God is belt pleated with, and we fhould be always endeavour- ing,is, A loving Delight in Clod throughCbril ; and a thankful and chearful obedience to him. I do not fay, that godly forrows, and fears, and jealoufies, are no Duties : but thefe are the great Duties, towhich the ref fhould all fubferve, Mifapprehending the flare