Spiritual) Peace and Comfort. 40 slateof Duty and the very Nature of a Chrifttan 1ife,muft needs make fad diftempers in mens hearts and converfations. Many Christians look upon Bro- ken- heartednefs, and much grieving- and weeping for fin, as if it were the great thing that God De. lighteth in and requireth of them : and therefore they bend all their endeavours this way; and are Rill !hiving with their hearts to break them more, and wringing their Confciences:to fgteez out Tome tears; and they think no Sermon, noPrayer, noMeditati- on fpeeds fo well with them as that which can help them togrieve or weep. I am far from perfwading men againft Humiliationand Godly forrow and ten- derness of heart ; But yet j muff tell you, that this is a five errour that you lay fo much upon it, and fo glitch overlook that great and noble work and Rate to which it tended). Do you think that God bath any Pleafure in your forrows as fuck ? Doth it do himGood to fee you dejeâed,afdic`ted and torment- ed ? Alas, it is only as your forrows do kill your fins, and mortifie your flefhly lufts, and prepare for your Peace and Joyes, that God regards them Becaufe ,:God Both fpeak comfortably to troubled drooping fpirits, and tels them, that he delighteth in the con- trite,and loveth the Humble,and bindeth up the bro- ked- hearted; therefore men mif.underl anding him, do think they thoulddo nothing but be Rill breaking their own hearts : WhereasGod fpeaks it but part- ly to thew his hatred to the proud,and partly to thew his tender compa?ions to the humbled, that they might not be overwhelmed or defpair. But Q Chriftians, underiland and confider, that all your forrows are but preparatives to your joys z and that F