Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

404 DireEions forgetting and keeping it is a higher and tweeter work that Gods cats you to,and would have you fpend your time and ffrength in. x . The firft part of it is Love. A work that is wages to it felt. He that knows what it is to live in the Love of God, doth know that Chril ianity is no tormentingand difcontented life. 2.The next part is, Delight in god, and in theHopes and fore- thoughts of everlaßing Glory, Pfal. 37.4 Delight thyfelf in the Lord,andhe Pallgive thee the Dejires ofthy heart: This is it that you fhould be bending your fludies and endeavours for, that your foul might be able to Delight it fell in God. 3. The third part is Thank- fulnefs and Praife. Though I fay not as fome, that we fhoutd be moved by no fears or defires of the Reward ( that is, of God ) but aft only from Thankfulnefs ( as though we had all that we expe& already) yet let me defire you to take fpecial notice of thisTruth; that Thankfulnefs muff be the main principle of all (]ofpel- Obedience : And this is not on- ly true of theRegenerate after faith; but even the wicked themfelves who are called to Repent and Be- lieve , are called to do it in a glad and thankfull fenfe ofthe < ercy offered them in Chràf ; All the world be- ing fallen under Gods wrath and deferved condem- nation, and +he Lord } efus havingbecome a Sacri- fice and Ranfom for al!, and fo brought all from that Legal Necefsity of perifhingwhich they were under, the Gofpel which brings them the News of this, is glad tidings of great Joy to them,and the very jufti- fying ac`s which they are called to, is, Thankfully to Accept Chrifi a one that bath already fatisfied for their fins, "4rid willfave them, if they &eept him, and willfollow bid f ; ving Coasrfel,and ufehu.faxing meant ; and