Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 40 y and the faving work which they mutt proceed ii is Thankfully to obey that Redeemer Whom they Believe in. So that as General Redemption is the very Foun- dation of the new world and its Government, fo Thankfulnefs for this Redemption is the very life of Juififying Faith,and Gofpel obedience.And therefore the denyal of this univerfal Redemption l as to tie Price and Satisfa&ion) dotti both difablewicked men ( if they receive it ) from coming to Chrift by true juRifying Faith ( which is, The Thankful Accep - tAnce of Chrift as he is offered with his benefits ; ) and this Thankfulnefs muff be for what be hat, done in Dying for us, as well as for what he will do in par.. doning and favingus ; and it doth difable all true Believers fromGofpel Gratefull Obedience, when ever they lofe the fight of their Evidences of fpeci- al Grace (which,alas,how ordinary is it with them 1 ) For when they cannot have fpecial Grace in their eye to be thankful' for, according to this do&rine they muff have none ; becaufe they can be no furer that Chrift dyed for them, then they are that them felves are fincere Believers and truly fan&ified. And when Thankfulnefs for Chrifts Death and Re- demption ceafeth, Gofpel obedience_ceafeth, and Le. gal and flavifh terrors do take place Though the fame cannot be Paid of Thankfulnefs for fpecial renewing, pardoning Grace. q. The fourth part ofthe Chriftian Life is Chear fall Obedience. God loveth a chearful Giver, and fo he doth in every part ofobedience, Deut. 2$.q;7, Be- caufe thou fervedfi not the Lord thy God with7oyfulnes &With Çladnefi of heartfor the abundance ofalthnigs; thouJh41tferve thy enemies in hunger andthirfl, &c. F f 3 Wilt