Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiiitual Peaceand Comfort. 40 edyou how you may know that ; when you difcover it in your felf, fee that you make more Confcience of this duty. 2. You have had Hopes and probabili- ties of your Gncerity : Did you endeavour to an-} fwer thofe probabilties in your Joyes. 3. If you would but labour to get this Delight in God it would help you to Affurance : for it would be one ofyour clearefk Evidences. O how``the.fubtil enemy difadvantageth the Gof pel, by the mifapprehenhions and deje&ed fpirits of Believers l It is the very Defign of the ever.blefí'ed God , to Glorifie Love and Mercy as highly in the Work of Redemption, as ever he Glorified Om- nipotency in the Work of Creation : And he bath purpofelyunhinged the Sabbathwhich was appoint- ed to Commemorate that work of Power in Creati- on, to the firti dayof the week, That it might be fpent as a weekly day of 7'hankfgiving and Praifefor the nowmore cJlorioro work of Redemption, th,it Love might not only be equally admired With Power, but even go before it. So that he bath laid the founda- tion of the Kingdom of Grace in Love and Mercy ; and in Love and Mercy bath he framed the whole ScruIure of the Edifice : and Love and Mercy are written in legible indelible Chara&ers upon every piece : And the whole frame of his Work and Tem- ple-fervice, bath he fo compofed, that all might be the refounding Eccho's of Love and the Praife and Glorious Commemorationsof Love and Mercy might be the great bufinefs of our folemnAfem- blies : And the newCreation within us and without us, is fo ordered, that Love, Thankfulnefs and De- light, might be both the wayand the end. And the F f 4 Ser>