Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

408 DireEiions for (getting anVieeping Serpent who molt oppofeth God where he feeketh moft Glory, efpecially the Glory of his Grace,doth labour fo thccefsfully to obfcure this Glory, that he hath brought multitudes of poor Chrifli ins to have poor low thoughts ofthe Riches ofthis Grace : and to fet every fin of theirs againft it, which fhould but advance it : and even toqueftion the very foun- dation of the whole building, whether Chrift Irath Redeemed the World by his Sacrifice ? yea he puts fich a vail over the Glory of the Golpel, that men can hardly be brought to Receive it as Glad tidings, till they firft have Affurance of their own Sandi- fixation l And the very nature of Gods Kingdom is fo unknown, that fame men think it to beUnrigh- teoufnefs and Libertinifm, and others tobe,Penfive Dejet"$íons, and Tormenting Scruples and fears ; and but few know it to be Righteoufnefs and Peace, and Joy in the Holy Ghoft : And the very butnefs Ofa Chriflians life and Gods fervice, is rather taken to be Scrupling , Quarrelling and Vexingour felves and the Church of '.1od,then to be Love and Grati- tude,and a Delighting our fouls in God,& chearfully obeying him. And thus when Chrillianity feems a Thraldom and Torment : and the fervice of the world, the flush and the Devil, feems the only fre- dom, an(' quiet, and delight, no wonder if the De- vil have more unfeigned fervants then Chrift ; and if men tremble at the Name of Holinefs, and fly away from Religion as a Mifchief What can be More contrary toits nature, and to Gods deign in forming it, then for the Profeffors to live filch de- jec`tcd and dolorous lives ? God cals mien from vex- ation and vanity, to high Delights and Peace And men