Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 409 mencome to God as from peace and pleafure,to vex- anion. All our preaching will do little to win fouls from Senfuality to Holinefs while they look upon the fad lives of the prófeffors ofHolinefs;As it will more deter a lick man from medling with a Phyfician, to fee all that he hach had in hand to lie languifhing in continual pains to their Death,then to all his words & promiles will encourage them. O what bleffed lives might Gods people live. if they underftood the Lost ofGod in the mytaerie of mans Redcmption,and did addict themfelves to the confideration and improve- ment of it, and did believingly eye thepromifed Glo0 r;-, & hereupon did make it the bufinefs oftheir lives to Delight their fouls in him that bath loved them 1 And what a wonderful! fuccefs might weexpect to our preaching,if the Holy Delights &Chearful Obe- dience of the Saints did preach as clearly to the eyes ofthe wotld,as we preach loudly to their ears? But flefh will be defh yet a while 1 and unbelief will be unbelief ! we are all to blame 1 TheLord forgive our overlooking his Loving kindnefs ; and our difho nouring the glorious Gofpel of hipSon; and our fe- conding Satan, in his contradi&ing of that Defign whichhath contrived Gods Glory in fo fweet a way. And now ChriRian Reader, let me intreat thee in the name & fear of God, heareafter better to under- ftand & pra Life thy duty.Tlty heart is better a thou- find times in godly forrow then in carnal mirth ( and by tech forrows it is often made better , Fccler 7.2, 3,4. ) But never take it to be right till it be delight- ing it felt in God. When you kneel down in prayer, labour fo to conceive of God, and be- fpek him that he may be your Delight fo do in.